One of 101 Ways to Differentiate Self: Navigating Systems Summer course in action
From the Navigating Systems Summer Course, one participant’s first-hand report on the battle for differentiation of self in the age of COVID-19.
My Thoughts During this Time of Covid-19 - ideas to promote thinking by Andrea Schara
Humans at times seem to be nothing but history stuffed into a bag of bones. But hold on, we have some ability to understand the influence of the past and to consider the choices before us.[i] If we can perceive more of “reality,” then we can choose the high road instead of being hijacked by emotional cries to join the low road. Emotions are contagious. People can lose their identity in an emotional crowd.
Covid-19 Anxiety and Automatic Behavior
Both for leaders of the country and for each of us personally, this is a perilous, difficult, and confusing time. The future becomes harder to predict when we are faced with a threatening situation.